"What if getting to the next level Of Success is easier than you think?

If you’ve ever experienced the hell, the setbacks, the pressure, the constant worry and never-ending challenges that come with running and growing a business, this book is for you. It’s a radically different book about the joys of having and making lots of money, being a success in life and balancing entrepreneurial ambition with acceptance of yourself.

Most importantly, it’s about living with less guilt, regret and doubt, and at the same time enjoying life and feeling good about yourself as you do. That, as the author shares, is an Extraordinary way of living. That is Extraordinary Achievement as defined in this book.

It is written by Paul Gough, a former professional soccer physical therapist, private practice owner and self made multi-millionaire, who discovered at the age of 30, that although being financially secure, and in spite of having many of the trappings of success, something wasn’t quite right.

This book shares much of what Paul discovered about finding more self-belief, living with less guilt, having more fun, as well as making lots of cash to-boot. Dare not skip a single page.

Here's Just Some Of What You Will Learn:

How to live a life that is free from doubt, fear and regret.
How to make loads of money without feeling a shred of guilt about doing so.
How to stop taking life so seriously (and find fun in just how seriously everyone else takes it)
How to get more things done... without doing them yourself.
How to accept yourself, even if others question how you live.
How to get comfortable making big decisions - and being OK even if you get them wrong.
How to finally put an end to living with insecurity and self-doubt.
And so much more...

Who It's For:

This book was written for Physical Therapy and other Private Practice Entrepreneurs who want to make money AS WELL AS enjoy the process of doing so.
It's for private Practice entrepreneurs who want to think bigger, pursue growth, enjoy more prosperity and to be brazen about wanting to make more money, and do it in a way that allows you to enjoy the process of doing so.
It's for you if you are one of the many private practice owners who live every day feeling judged, guilty and fearful of the future, and no matter what you do, or how much you make, none of it ever seems to go away.
It's for you if you want to run a successful private practice and serve as many people as you can, AND you still want to be able to make a good amount of money so you can experience the finer things in life. I'm talking about the things that without money you're limited to watching happen on TV or via the Instagram accounts of celebrities and sports stars.

A word from the author:
"so why did I write this book for you?"
(an excerpt from the introduction)

I wrote it because I see far too many entrepreneurs who are successful but unhappy. They are often successful but restless and never satisfied no matter what they achieve from their business. They have success, but no fulfilment. And that’s got to be the ultimate failure.

I believe it happens so frequently because too many are living to please others, always seeking approval from others, and in doing so are never really living a day of their own lives. Rest assured, you will discover why this happens and how to break free from it inside the pages of this book.

I wrote it to help people be happy with what they’ve got and who they are right now, without losing the ambition to want more. I wrote it because I believe that entrepreneurs are the most impactful people in any society — jobs don’t create themselves — and very few people give us the credit we deserve despite the risks we take and heartache we endure.

I wrote it because I believe wholeheartedly in the human potential and I know that every single person reading this book is capable of living with more self-belief, enjoying life and having morefun, and building a better, more successful business, no matter what level they’re currently at.

Sometimes, most times, all you need is the permission to do the thing you knew all along you should be doing. In many ways, this book is that permission slipyou’ve been waiting for. Be sure to cash it in!

Make no mistake, Extraordinary Achievement is a book like no other. It’s a book about enjoying life, feeling good about yourself as you do, as well as making lots of cash on the way so that you can enjoy the finer things in life that only having money allows you to do. In the wrong hands, this book could easily be taken the wrong way and disapproved of.

However, in the right hands, thaty of an entrepreneur, this book is the path to more belief, more confidence, more enjoyment of life and more money to spend on the fun things. Be sure to read every word of the 95,000 I have written for you and be sure to write to me and tell me how it impacted you. I would dearly love to hear from you: paul@paulgough.com

Who Is Paul Gough?

Paul Gough is a six times best-selling author (all books available at www.paulgoughbooks.com), former professional soccer physical therapist and founder of the Paul Gough Physio Rooms, a successful four location cash pay clinic in the UK where healthcare is free.

He is also the founder of Paul Gough Media, a marketing company that helps private practive owners sort out their marketing, drop insurance, finally start charging a fee for their service and scale profitablity with ease.

He is the founder of the amazing software “PhysioFunnels” that makes marketing easier and increases marketing ROI and is a “Best In Class” award winning marketer.

Paul is the host of the top-rated podcast “The Achievement Podcast” that spreads and shares many of the principles that you’ll find in this book (find it iTunes and everywhere else you can get Podcasts these days). If you like what you read, be sure to check out the Podcast and if you’ve got a great story to share, email the studio at paul@paulgough.com to inquire about being a guest.

Order From This Page And get Your Free Resources:

The Self-Assessment Scorecard – rate yourself on the principles discussed in this book and find out the areas in which you need to make improvements on to get to that next level of success faster.
The Checklist / Poster — get a copy of all of the principles discussed in one place so you can print it out, put it on your wall and make each one easier to remember and implement into your life.
Bonus Audio (Chapter 16) – The 7 Habits of Hugely Successful Entrepreneurs
Bonus Audio (Chapter 17) – What to Focus On Next: 6 Things That Should Get Your Time And Attention After This Book
Surprise Items – Plus, at least two other surprise items that if you have enjoyed this book, I know you will love

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"Finally, the next level of success is waiting. will paul see you there?"

(Once you've read the book, be sure to attend the two day in-person workshop and work more closely with Paul on implementing these principles into your life)

© Paul Gough’s Extraordinary Achievement Book 2023, All Rights Reserved